We offer 3 brand packages, tailored to the needs of different projects.
You are starting from scratch with a new business or need a complete rebrand. You need everything from tone & voice for copy to full visual identity.
Timeline: 8-12 weeks
You already have a brand strategy & brand voice copy or you are a newer brand that is just starting out and needs the key assets to start sending your project into the world.
Timeline: 4-6 weeks
You have a project or business that’s just getting started, or in the very early stages. You need the visual necessities, but are working with a reduced budget.
Timeline: 2-3 weeks
Already have a brand?
Take your brand to the next level by working together to design some of these common game changers
+34 660 241 971
Brand strategy
Music video
Live visuals
Presentation design
Web design
For projects, collaborations, or just a quick bit of advice over a tea 🫖 just say hello 👋
Fonts: VCR OSD Mono by Riciery Leal
Poppins by Indian Type Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn
COMBA by That That Type
© Hayley Cantor ☞ 2012–2025 | Latest update: January 2025