In June 2022, we were invited to do a live visual performance for L'Orgull, Betevé,the first televised LGTBIQ+ Pride. The programme included music, performing arts, and poetry as well as interviews with relevant people from the diversity sector.
The aim of the TV programme was not only to celebrate LGTBIQ+ Pride day, but also to take advantage of the broadcasting of this channel to highlight different testimonies in order to communicate the reality of a diverse world.
We designed visuals for three performances from three different music genres: Clara Peya (Pianist), Two Trya (electronic music duo) & Flamenco Queer.
Music, Television
• Live visual performance
+34 660 241 971
Brand strategy
Music video
Live visuals
Presentation design
Web design
For projects, collaborations, or just a quick bit of advice over a tea 🫖 just say hello 👋
Fonts: VCR OSD Mono by Riciery Leal
Poppins by Indian Type Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn
COMBA by That That Type
© Hayley Cantor ☞ 2012–2025 | Latest update: January 2025